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(Virtual) Stakeholder Annual General Meeting – Monday 12th July 2021 from 6pm

We are pleased to open registration for our inaugural Stakeholder Annual General Meeting. The event is open to all users of the harbour and other stakeholders and will be held virtually due to ongoing social distancing requirements for large gatherings. The event is anticipated to last 1 to 2 hours and be hosted as a ‘Zoom Webinar’ videoconference. It will take the form of short presentations on the past year and future plans with a panel consisting of the Board’s Chair (Richard O’Callaghan), the Harbour Master (Harry Gregory), the Treasurer (Chris Braby) and the Chair of the harbour’s Advisory Body (Nick Holness).

  • Registration: Stakeholders interested to attend must register in advance by COMPLETING THIS FORM
  • Questions: Any questions for the Board should be submitted by email to as usual. The event panel will endeavour to answer all stakeholder questions submitted in advance of the event as well as any straightforward questions submitted live using the Q&A facility built into the Zoom Webinar. Please note that any complex questions (that would require the input of multiple board members or officers to answer fully and correctly) must be submitted by close of business Friday 2nd July 2021. Any such questions submitted after that deadline (or during the event) will be acknowledged but are likely to require a response in writing following the meeting with the answers also published in the stakeholder questions area on our website.
  • Annual Report: A digital version of the board’s 2020/21 Annual Report will be distributed by email/website (once Annual Accounts are final) in the week commencing 21st June 2021 – i.e. two weeks in advance of the event, giving around a week for attendees to submit further questions. For reference in the meantime, the 2019/20 Annual Report can be viewed here.