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Port Marine Safety Code Compliance

Littlehampton Harbour Board (LHB) is a Trust port and the Statutory Harbour Authority (SHA), Competent Harbour Authority (CHA) and a Local Lighthouse Authority (LLA) for the harbour approaches and River Arun as far as Arundel Bridge.  The CHA area extends further than the SHA area to sea by virtue of ‘The Littlehampton (Pilotage) Harbour Revision Order 1988’.  LHB is responsible for the safe and efficient movement of all vessels within its area of jurisdiction.  This is delivered through a number of primary controls including the Pilotage service, seasonal harbour patrols and the Authority’s marine staff.  LHB has appointed an independent Designated Person to monitor compliance with the requirements of the Port Marine Safety Code.  The Designated Person for Littlehampton Harbour is:

Monty Smedley of ABP Marine Environmental Research (ABPmer) Ltd

Nicholson’s Risk Management Ltd served as the board’s Designated Person from 2007 to 2019 until they were succeeded by ABPmer in a tendering process in early 2020.

All port and harbour users, including Harbour Authority staff have direct access to the Designated Person.  Concerns regarding marine safety in the port or harbour, in the first instance, should be raise with the Harbour Master (or for Authority staff with your direct line manager).  If additional, independent advice regarding the matter is required, any reasonable concerns can be brought to the attention of the Designated Person.

Designated Person Contact Details:

The Designated Person and the Maritime Team at ABPmer:

  • have detailed knowledge of the Port Marine Safety Code, the Guide to Good Practice for Port Marine Operations and accompanying Competency Standards;
  • provide independent assurance to the Duty Holder that the marine safety management system required by the Port Marine Safety Code is working effectively; and
  • at regular intervals, audit the Harbour Authority’s compliance with the Code.

The Designated Person has direct access to the Duty Holder whenever this is deemed necessary.

The LHB’s Marine Safety Management System (MSMS) is reviewed by the Harbour Master and then Audited by the Designated Person at the end of each calendar year. The MSMS was last reviewed and audited by ABPmer in January 2024 and found to be compliant with the requirements of the Port Marine Safety Code published by the DfT. The full Audit report containing observations to be addressed during the coming year is published as part of the February 2024 Board Meeting Pack.

The board formally reviews its Marine Policies minimum every 3 years, the latest set can be downloaded here.

The board also publishes a Safety Plan for Marine Operations every three years. The Littlehampton Harbour Safety Plan for Marine Operations 2024-26 was published February 2024, progress reports will be published quarterly as part of the Harbour Master Operational Report.