A reminder that our Stakeholder Annual General Meeting (AGM) is to be held a week today at 7pm 18th July at the Arun Yacht Club (Rope Walk Riverside West, Rope Walk, Littlehampton, BN17 5DL).
We hope to see many of you there to hear more about last year, our coming plans and to update stakeholders on the Harbour Entrance Renewal Scheme (see below).
In preparation for the meeting, the Littlehampton Harbour Annual Report 2021/22 was published last week via our quarterly newsletter and can be downloaded using the below link. As well as providing an overview of all activities between April 2021 and March 2022, key performance indicators and publishing our accounts, it also contains the latest version of the harbour’s Strategic Plan (the 2022 version is also available in a standalone format on the below link).
There will be short presentations from the Chair to the Board (Richard O’Callaghan), Harbour Master (Harry Gregory), Treasurer (Chris Braby) and Advisory Body Chair (Nick Holness) before a Q&A session. This in-person event will be recorded for those not able to attend.
If you have a question please do share it with us in advance (if you can) by emailing harbour@littlehampton.org.uk. Whilst we are happy to take questions on the night, we can ensure a more thorough answer for your complex questions given notice.
2021/22 ANNUAL REPORT: Click Here
2022 STRATEGIC PLAN: Click Here